Blog 10
The first project was to explicitly learn the way to undertake a complete project, which entailing mapping of the theme of the project themselves. I undertook an experience associated with my previous art learning coupled with an exploration of the future development, which entailed certain experienced events, the status quo of my study as well as the work and the comparison with people around me. This part was accompanied by some works and pictures of life learning.

The second project I undertook was learning the way to undertake proper research and interviews. I selected a topic related to the museum within my hometown that required the administration of questionnaires as well as undertaking interviews. Consequently, I developed a feasible questionnaire survey and field investigation to solve my selected problem. My research question typically focused on the reasons for the extremely few visitors within the age group ranging from 25 years to 45 years within the proportion of the population flow visiting the museum. Thus, the questionnaire survey coupled with the field investigation was purely intended to solve this very phenomenon, which made a relatively reasonable simulated response plan.

My third project entailed making a simple APP interface with the theme of extreme sports crowd weather forecast software. The main direction was the mobile phone, and the main group of people that were targeted were of the range of age of 20 years to 50 years old. This was to assist in the prediction of the location of the users’ attention as well as nearby places regarding the suitability for the X Games weather conditions and temperature.
The fourth event entailed participation within a relatively public welfare competition. The project I chose was equality. I made an APP page conce4rning women and corresponding minority gender equality. The chief function of the APP is to swiftly call for assistance from police stations, hospitals as well as other users. We employed random interviews, unidentified questionnaires, software production (AI, PS, InDesign) as well as video shooting within the learning process of the four projects.
Interpretation of the events
The process of learning how to complete projects is extremely fundamental in the life of any student. Projects normally have diverse themes that students are required to master and feasible to complete during the learning process in school. Any project that can be undertaken similarly and attain reliable results through outsourcing, automation, or digitization. Thus, projects were meant to inculcate in me fundamental skills that pertain to the nonlinear thinking, decision making, as well as problem-solving techniques required in the market. Through these projects, I learned important contents required for survival within the present 21st century (Cezzar, 2020). The skills entailed collaboration of ideas regarding thinking critically and imaginatively, communicating and collaborating, as well as consuming and creating information.
I was able to acquire built-in goals that are required and applicable in a real-world project based on the outcomes. Moreover, I learnt how to change these goals of the four projects within the module into vital rubrics through identifying my respective goals and writing them within the rubric (Cheng & Chan, 2019). The projects were typically standards-based by the teachers and the original parameters of the projects made sure that we learnt core contents. I realized that the projects are purely meant to make us active by preventing us from passively receiving fundamental knowledge from the teachers, and actively seeking knowledge such as that one of administering questionnaires and interviews. The teachers do not always offer entire the answers, and thus students are required to be responsible for their respective own success by accomplishing the objectives of the course.
I hypothesise that since disengaged leaner can never learn because most of the duration, they direct their respective energies into the disruptive behaviour and hence need constant administration. Thus, through engaging us in the projects, I was able to direct my respective energies into the fundamental constructive behaviour that need occasional redirection. By requiring students to create their respective work, they are capable of facilitating the engagement of feasible project-based learning. Moreover, project-based learning is deemed to be fun and the perception that the classes ought to be hard and unfun in a bid to be demanding is eliminated within the learning process. I extremely enjoyed the interactive learning process in the module and there was never kind of boredom. The rigorous fun typically entails abundant critical and inventive thinking, communication as well as collaboration and when it is accompanied by project-based learning, it is capable of turning any classroom into a vital stage for the students at the expense of the room full of anaesthetized learners typically waiting for the unavoidable drill.
Thus, this typically implies that the project planning, as well as administration, is extremely essential for the students in attaining their goals. Project administration skills are the chief learning outcome that is demanded in professional as well as managerial jobs, and they can also assist a learner to attain any large project within life. Through learning to reason systematically about the way to make something substantial emanate from the idea to realism, which has numerous applications beyond my education within this course. I think I can gain excessively from the projects by discussing with other people and checking their suitability. Moreover, I need to push myself to apply the acquired skills I have learnt, as well as develop my knowledge further. This can solely be accomplished if stay absorbed in the underlying plans and consequently adapting them if needed since the project plans require to be altered based on circumstances.
Evaluation of the efficiency and practicality of my experience
Research and Interviews are deemed to be the cornerstone of solving any kind of a problem and they can be applied by experienced as well as novice researchers to collect data for the projects. As in the case of determining the reasons for the extremely few visitors within the age group ranging from 25 years to 45 years within in the proportion of the population flow visiting the museum, I had to the utilized appropriate method. This required numerous processes of planning, undertaking as well as analyzing questionnaires and interviews in a bid to solve the problem (Cezzar, 2020). Moreover, I selected suitable participants for the study, formulating a research procedure, as well as writing valuable interview questions that were explicitly intended to obtain the information needed. Thus, I was able to attain invaluable skills through this process that will assist me in my future endeavours.
Through taking part in the public welfare competition of equality and making an APP page concerning women and minority gender equality massively highlighted the effects of domestic violence in the present society. The APP I developed was capable of assisting the victims by permitting them to make calls for assistance to the police stations, hospitals as well as other users. This is seen as a positive step in making society a relatively better place free of domestic violence. This also means that students are capable of inventing solutions for the current problems affecting the society such as rampant domestic violence via developing Applications that can map the locations and tracking threats thus offering a fundamental platform that can offer certain relatively professional legal advice and guidance.
Presently, the universe is evolving into a tech globe where massive activities will be solved through Apps. Thus, I think that students ought to extensively focus on coming up with the solutions to the myriad problems bedevilling societies and business enterprises. This can solely be accomplished by engaging in numerous feasible projects as administered and assisted by the teachers. Moreover, fundamental skills such as undertaking random interviews, using anonymous questionnaires, software production (AI, PS, Indesign) as well as video shooting as utilized within the four projects process ought to be natured further in the successive modules.
How the information will be useful to me
The information from the four projects is extremely fundamental in my course since it enhances my mastery of the learning process in school by inculcating fundamental skills for nonlinear thinking, decision making, as well as problem-solving techniques in other modules. Through these projects, I learned important contents required for survival within the present 21st century. The skills entailed collaboration of ideas regarding thinking critically and imaginatively, communicating and collaborating, as well as consuming and creating information. Regarding my future career, project administration skills are demanded the professional as well as managerial jobs and will assist me to attain any large project in future. Through learning to reason systematically about the way to make something substantial emanate from the idea to realism, which has numerous applications beyond my education within this course. Generally, I was able to acquire built-in goals that are required and applicable in a real-world project based on the outcomes. The projects were typically standards-based by the teachers and the original parameters of the projects made sure that we learnt core contents. I realized that the projects are purely meant to make us active by preventing us from passively receiving fundamental knowledge from the teachers, and actively seeking knowledge such as that one of administering questionnaires and interviews.
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